Shopify POS customer service

Search customer ipadYou can associate a customer with a transaction by adding the customer's name during checkout. Recording customer contact details is especially useful for sending receipts by email, or broadening your customer base for email marketing campaigns.

Find an existing customer to associate with the order

Shopify POS saves customer details, so if a customer purchases from you again, then you can quickly associate them with the order.To associate an past customer with an order:
  1. In the Cart section of the products and cart screen, tap Add customer.
  2. Add customer ipadChoose one of your existing customers by doing one of the following:
    • tap the customer's name within the list of existing customers
    • begin to enter a customer's name in the search box, then tap the full name when it appears:

Create a new customer to associate with the order

If a customer has not purchased from you before, then you can create a new customer profile for them from the Cart section of the products and cart screen.To associate a new customer with an order:
  1. In the Cart section of the products and cart screen, tap Add customer:
  2. Tap Create customer:
  3. Enter the customer's details. A customer must have at least a name and an email address:
  4. Create customer ipadWhen you've completed all the necessary fields (at least a name and an email address), tap Save. The customer will automatically be associated with the current cart.

Remove a customer's details from the cart

To remove a customer's details from the cart:
  1. Tap the - symbol next to the customer's name in the cart:
  2. When the - symbol turns red, tap it again:

Associate a customer with an order

Add customer dialog ipadYou can associate an order with a customer from the receipt screen at the end of the transaction:
  1. From the Shopify POS receipt screen, tap Add customer:
  2. Enter the customer's details.
  3. As you enter the customer's details, Shopify POS shows matching past customers beneath Customer results. If the customer's name is listed, then tap their name to auto-complete their details:
  4. Tap the √ button.
  5. If you want to email a receipt to the customer, then tap Send email. Otherwise tap Don't send.

Remove a customer's details from the order

To remove a customer's details from an order:
  1. From the Shopify POS receipt screen, tap the - button next to the customer's name:
  2. Customer name in cart Add customer button iphone Enter customer name iphone Receipt screen with customer iphone

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